[PDF~ePUB] World War II in Simple Spanish: Learn Spanish the Fun Way with Topics that Matter

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***FOR LOW- TO HIGH-INTERMEDIATE LEARNERS******Black and White Interior Edition****Improve your Spanish and expand your vocabulary with topics that matter.When it comes to mastering a foreign language, reading around your interests makes all the difference. But finding books designed for language learners can be hard! This book fixes that. For the first time, you’ll learn to improve your Spanish while reading about the history of World War II. “I love Olly’s work - and you will too!” - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersTold through short, manageable chapters in intermediate Spanish, you’ll become confident in the words, phrases and expressions you need to speak about the topics you care about.World War II in Simple Spanish gives you all that you can wish for from a real history book without the tough academic terminology which may be difficult for intermediate learners. The story does not focus only on the main events of the conflict, but rather it includes the less-known aspects of WWII from the famous battlefields to the social aspects of life between 1939 to 1946 to the international Spanish-speaking stage.Over 40 engaging and informative chapters, you’ll immerse yourself in the history of WWII and master Spanish in the process.Here’s what you’ll get:47 chapters in simple Spanish, so you can learn about WWII without the struggle of reading an academic text.Helpful key facts at the beginning of each chapter to help guide you through.Chapters that are carefully written to be accessible for intermediate learners (CEFR B1-B2), so you can read purposively, at your level.Word lists with English definitions in every chapter, so you can get instant translations of any difficult words. This means you can focus on enjoying the history rather than wasting time in a dictionary.Fun-facts at the end of each chapter, so that you can dazzle your friends with interesting facts about the WWII period.The chapters are written in Castilian Spanish. However, since the text uses mostly “neutral” Spanish, you’ll have plenty to learn, whether you’re learning the Spanish of Mexico, Colombia, or Costa Rica.Created by Olly Richards, language teacher and author, World War II in Simple Spanish gives you an experience in real Spanish that you won’t find anywhere else. You’ll be better prepared for using Spanish in the real world, speak with more confidence, and take a giant leap towards fluency in Spanish!SCROLL UP AND GRAB YOUR COPY NOW!“[Olly’s] techniques have made a world of difference. I was able to learn more in 9 months with his techniques than I did in the 6+ years in school” - Courtney Baird, successful language learner

✔ Author(es):
✔ Título: World War II in Simple Spanish: Learn Spanish the Fun Way with Topics that Matter
✔ Clasificación : 4.8 de 5 estrellas (183 valoraciones)
✔ ISBN-13: 978B096LPRZV9
✔ Idiomae: Español
✔ Formato ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML y MOBI
✔ Dispositivos compatibles: Android, iOS, PC y Amazon Kindle

Opiniones de las lectoras sobre World War II in Simple Spanish: Learn Spanish the Fun Way with Topics that Matter de Olly Richards

Mitzi Quevedo
En esta novela de fantasía épica, un grupo de héroes improbables se embarca en una búsqueda épica para salvar su reino de la oscuridad que amenaza con consumirlo todo. Con una prosa hábilmente tejida y un mundo ricamente imaginado, el autor crea una historia que captura la imaginación y el corazón del lector. Los personajes son complejos y creíbles, enfrentando desafíos monumentales con coraje y determinación. Una epopeya emocionante que transporta a los lectores a un mundo de magia, aventura y redención.
Anita Díaz
Este libro de cuentos cortos ofrece una mirada íntima y conmovedora a la vida cotidiana a través de una variedad de voces y perspectivas. Cada historia es un tesoro único, que ilumina los momentos de belleza y tragedia que componen la experiencia humana. La prosa es delicada y evocadora, capturando la esencia de los personajes y sus mundos con precisión y empatía. Una colección que invita a la reflexión y a la apreciación de la riqueza de la vida en todas sus formas.
Anahi Sanchez
Este libro de ensayos filosóficos es una exploración fascinante de las grandes preguntas que han intrigado a la humanidad desde tiempos inmemoriales, desde el significado de la vida hasta la naturaleza del universo y la existencia misma. El autor aborda estas cuestiones con erudición y profundidad, guiándonos en un viaje intelectual que desafía nuestras suposiciones y amplía nuestros horizontes. A través de análisis perspicaces y reflexiones provocativas, este libro nos invita a cuestionar nuestras creencias y a explorar nuevas formas de comprender el mundo que habitamos. Una lectura estimulante que nos lleva a las fronteras mismas del conocimiento humano.

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